What the best moment youve had in IL2/Lomac that you didnt record or get a screen grab of?
I gutted I didnt record my last VEF 4 v 4 Quick gen, in a LA5FN on intercept. Planned it smart, got to 5500 avoided the 109s and came in on the 110s 9oclock hi.
Bounced the with EAF Ledzep perfect
Tough Sobs the 110s damaged 1 and came back for another go, next ones rear gunner stopped my engine however I was carry a stack of excess E so zoomed up and feathered prop pitch to 0% stall turned it and dived onto the 110 that had finished engine. Blew his tail clean off with last rounds in guns, leveled out waited till he hit deck and I got the kill then bailed at 1500m. As the other 4 110s were bombing our base by then I didnt feel lucky enough to dead stick as well
So lets have em pilots whats your *kicked myself for not recording that* moment?