what could be the most terrifying feeling of REAL WW2 flight and combat?
You've all flown this game for months and even years....and lots and lots of air hours have been gained.....we must have 10,000 or more between us.
So..... WHAT is the most scared you would be IF IT WAS REAL? What is the WORST scariest situation you can possibly imagine
Go on.....really dredge your imagination,....and your memory of online gaming....WHAT situ is the one where you just KNOW you would be on the verge of tears IF IT WAS REAL ?
Try......go on....and make sure it is not Airquake style.....you got one plane and one life and you are on the verge of losing it all......in real time......you got family at home and you and your plane are really in the sh1t......what is the WORST feeling?