Well i admit that last week was rather amusing, even though i spent 2 days in Lancaster, i've managed to take a Troll warrior from level 1 to 29 in 2 Days play time. I'm wondering how much further i could get leveling to minimise how long it would take to get to 60 at this pace. Cosmos was recording stats on XP per hour and i've been running at around the 25000xp per hour, meaning that i'm just starting to hit 2hrs per level.
This has been done since i started the character at the start of the month. And those 48hrs has meant i've spent a fair few hours the past two weekends playing. But damn i've enjoyed it. But i have to admit i'm finding it strange that people are finding it that i've played silly amounts more than others.
This is simply not the case. I've now got just over 10Days 8 hours play time on all my characters, significantly less than Velan's 14days (i think) and some of the other high level characters.
But i have to say damn warriors are easy to play, and while people might wonder why i post things like this. Its to explain the challenges i like to set myself
However i think 3 characters will do for the moment and maybe an early night is in order