The First Hexus Horde Fishing Trip was a success boys and girls.
Myself, Isadrel and Madocks decided to start the trip in Ratchet, as we were unable to group with any fellow Guild members. After three attempts to catch the HMS mudsnapper to the more desirable destination of booty bay, we were thwarted with ERUs poor attempts of fishing from a moving boat. Long swims were introduced into the otherwise dry expectation of the trip.
It quickly became apart that Madocks had bait that was inadequate and Isadrel was required to work on his swing. Everyone sat back and watched the pr0 at work catching various interesting aquatic species. Life couldn't be better.
It was about this time the moon came out and everyone went for a swim. One member of the party claiming to have seen a shark and another meeting a lvl55 elite dude being the main highlights.
Once everyone had cooled off the party headed off to the local watering holes to find the mysterious 12 foot Stranglevale pike. It was about this time that Isadrel was showing signs of fatigue, so decided to return home for sticky buns and tea. Madocks and ERU wailed the night away in determination to find their prey but were also beaten back by the hostile nature of everyone present. That is not to say there were for the most part nice people who actually made the effort. Well done to all the Horde and Humans with such a good attitude and selflessness.