i would love to join you on that, i know of at least 2 elite skills at ring of fire i still need to captureOriginally Posted by AcEmAsTr
I call every guild member to come on Guild Wars and meet at the Ring Of Fire to help me through it, i've just spent 2 hours doing it and still failed.
i beg you!
Help me through Thunderhead Keep first! (When I can be bothered )Originally Posted by AcEmAsTr
"Well, there was your Uncle Tiberius who died wrapped in cabbage leaves but we assumed that was a freak accident."
ok never mind
Did that, and the one after, very big thanks to ferral and yohji
I'm going to try Abbadons Mouth again tonight, hopefully there will be a decent group going for once.
I'llbe on to do hells precipice tonight, so thats 3 of us, come on people be more active!
If I can get abbadons mouth done this afternonn, hells preciple it is
Well i need to get more money so i'll help anyone with anything over the next few days, even tho i'm away from home and have to play on a laptop will all the settings on lowest. Shudders.
Its pretty! I am Hex Menthel. Add me!
Not around too often!
Big thanks to Kornelian Proud (Acemaster?) and Caramaia Devril (DirectHex) for their help on Thunderhead Keep this evening. I've attempted that mission about 6 times and each time died at the same point.
They came along, and suddenly, not only did we complete the mission, but we did it without a single monk on the team!
Oh, and even MORE impressive, Kornelian managed it without any socks on
Lol! Nice one. We should try a mission with no armour or weapons, like one of the early ones.
Yeah, just for laughs, do one of the missions round Ascalon
Bet that gets a few people wondering whats going on !
I went to piken square the other day and did some mission with the level 6's, just stood around and let the bone horrors do the work.
bleh i knew that pic would end up on here lol, ive got 2 too many superior runes and didn't have any health left lol, went from 532 down to 382. thunderhead really isnt that hard once you've done it once, Hells Precipice is where you need a miracle
did hell's first time, had an absolutly awesome group, one the likes of i'd never seen before and i doubt again.
the trick is to get an order going, make sure the tanks in first, you attack in order so everyones always on the same enemy, we found titan, then hand then fist, then onto the next big thing, then take down the hand then fist. worked a treat
Pirates = Win.
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