Tried this before with a Rentau in a smaller group of peeps and a mix of levels, and although it didn't really go to plan, it was still OK to do. I think it was Slarys who said that this instance was a good earner and since I'm saving up for my lvl 40 mount, and I'm sure many others are, would it be a good idea to try and get this instance done on a regular basis?
It was difficult enough to get a group together for SFK, but to be fair, that instance was easy for our group. I'm sure the same group would have just as much fun doing SM and it would be more rewarding. I know Stoo didn't complete his quests, and I didn't either, but I'd want to do this with Kerilus (now at lvl 32). Hopefully, if we can arrange this for sometime soon I could get another level or 2 before we do it.
So who would be up for this, and if so, when?