OK, we all know about the population bias on our server. There's 2.5 Alliance to 1 Horde. In some ways it bad news, in other ways it's good.
Now, after a few hours playing my new Alliance char on Arathor I have noticed a few things:
a) the amount of high level Alliance chars is amazing (you see them all standing around in IF)
b) the amount of high level equipment (blues and purples) is also amazing
c) the amount of epic mounts people have is bloody amazing
d) the amount of items on the AH and the hgh price is ridiculously amazing
These all add up to one thing, Alliance peeps are very rich. Very, very rich.
I have been playing my lvl 17 Hunter (with Skinning and Mining professions) for less than 24 hours now and not only am I enjoying it, but I'm getting a nice bit of money. Nearly all items I have picked up I've sold, all leather/ores/stones/cloth I've sold for a pretty amount of money and I too am getting rich. About 10g rich!
IMO, that's 24 hours of mainly levelling and some farming along the way, but 24 hours to make 10g? I can only see it increasing quicker now he's a higher level and I'm starting to mine Tin (to make Bronze Bars) and Silver. I had a little help from Velan with transferring 2g to my Hunter early on, but I've made 5 times that in return in a short space of time.
Now, when I'm bored, I too am gonna get a low level char to Gadgetzan so we can 'abuse' the neutral AH, so if anyone wants anything transferred to help out an Alliance char (if you want to try this too) gimme a shout. I have a new gun with Keri I want to transfer so will need the help of someone else in return soon.