Have seen DM floating around in Guild Chat lately...so how about we do it tonight? Or, do East tonight, West tomorrow, and North on Sunday?
I know Pug for one has been asking, and FoT I think needs to do east...I now have the Reliquary of Purity quest which needs you to kill Wildshaper in East (yeah ok I'm not doing this entirely selflessly, how did you guess?)...should be ok with 2 or 3 level 60s and the rest 55+ if the "clique" (pronounced kleek not click don'tcha know) are having a night off. *Edit* misworded...the clique, yes you know who other people think you are, probably don't want to come as they have probs done it already...and please note I am joshing here, not actively trying to wind anyone up..much..call it lack of caffeine/sex if you will
Will be home..oh I dunno 6:30, 7, but no doubt there won't be enough on til 8, 8:30...
The East bit is a bit of nature damage I think, so a hunter would be good...and a "proper" resser would be nice (with all these up-and-coming priests I'm gonna respec to half resto/half feral I think Not just yet mind)..
Well, just a thought...if Alterac is open wouldn't mind having a peek in there either but I guess there's plenty of time over the weekend