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Thread: Official Flame Form for WoW Forums

  1. #1
    Eosamite Rhyth's Avatar
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    Official Flame Form for WoW Forums

    I thought this form quite funny and potentialy very useful
    Subject: Shaman
    Q u o t e:
    Take away the damage for Frost Shock and Earth Shock and reduce the mana cost accordingly. Increase both the initial and DoT damage of Flame Shock by about 50 each.

    Shamans will still have Flame Shock so their damage potential will not go down but they will be forced to decide if they want that damage or want those effects.

    Hell, this gives Flame Shock a reason for existing, seeing as Frost Shock and Earth Shock both do more damage then Flame Shock and do it instantly instead of half as a DoT.

    Official Flame Form for WoW Forums


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    Rhyth is selling:
    Tamron 17-50mm F2.8 XR Di ll LD Aspherical (IF) £230 +pp
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    Those who look out dream, those who look inward, awake. Jung

  2. #2
    ERU is offline
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    Very similar to:

    Dear: __Pilgrim_UK________
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  3. #3
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    • Butcher's system
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    Nerf shamans!

  4. #4
    Eosamite Rhyth's Avatar
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    Rhyth is selling:
    Tamron 17-50mm F2.8 XR Di ll LD Aspherical (IF) £230 +pp
    Canon 50mm 1.8 II £50 +pp
    Proven good copies.

    Those who look out dream, those who look inward, awake. Jung

  5. #5
    Bah Humbug. Dooms's Avatar
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    • Dooms's system
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    that is great

  6. #6
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    dont nerf ma shaman nooooooooooooooo!
    Quote Originally Posted by Noni
    What the hell does "WTH" mean

  7. #7
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    • Butcher's system
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      • PSU:
      • Antec 650W
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      • Big Black Cube!
      • Operating System:
      • Windows 7
    Found this posted elsewhere. The creation of the shaman, straight from the bible!

    He said,
    "I want 2 be an ubar tank?!11", and Blizzard gave him shield and mail
    He said,
    "lolo I wunt 2 be a maege 2", and Blizzard gave him instant nukes
    He said,
    "I want to heal", and Blizzard gave him heals
    He said,
    "but WTF? Druids getz formz so ken i tu plxz?", and Blizzard gave him wolf form
    He said,
    "OMGLOLOL, my heals r not teh instantz", and Blizzard gave him nature's swift
    He said,
    "OMG but warriorz r teh hit so hard wit teh weaponz?", And Blizzard gave him Windfury
    He said,
    "BUT TETZ NO FAIRZ, teh enemyz r having pewerful bufforz?", And Blizzard gave him an instant low mana
    cast Purge
    He said,
    "K BUT I STILL KENT kite 4ever lyk teh OMG?", and Blizzard made the frostshock effect last longer than
    the cooldown
    So the kid went on killing lowbies, shouting "WTFLOLOL PWND n00Bz0Rs" and using /spit.
    After 7 hours of corpse camping, something terrible happened! A bunch of level 60 alliance guys managed
    to kill the shaman!
    The kid went to the Blizzard God and said,
    "OMGWTF, I R TEH DIEDZ BT I DUNT WUNT 2 do teh corpze runzors? i die lyk wtf i shundnt ROFL!"", And Blizzard
    gave him a self rez with no sickness
    And so the shaman class was born.

  8. #8
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    [X] You posted a funny post and I forgive you for any minor misunderstandings you have
    Well Hello!

  9. #9
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    Butcher cool find pretty funny and so true
    Quote Originally Posted by Noni
    What the hell does "WTH" mean

  10. #10
    Eosamite Rhyth's Avatar
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    Well it has to be said I've come up against classes at the same level and if played by a good player have given me an epic battle. I personally have not lost against a same level Pally yet but I've seen it happen a million times and I certainly don’t seem to be winning all my one on one pvp battles. I have alts on both sides of different classes and don’t enter battles and really feel superior as my Shaman, no way. Maybe this will change as they finish but so far through the ranks tis not the case.
    Last edited by Rhyth; 27-06-2005 at 03:04 PM.
    Rhyth is selling:
    Tamron 17-50mm F2.8 XR Di ll LD Aspherical (IF) £230 +pp
    Canon 50mm 1.8 II £50 +pp
    Proven good copies.

    Those who look out dream, those who look inward, awake. Jung

  11. #11
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    Its not that Shamen ARE much more powerful than other classes, its the perception that they are...because they are everywhere, healing, debuffing, killing stuff...doing bits and pieces.

    And to be fair its the same with Paladins...but the sheer number of people being pallies works against them. Too many pallies, not enough anything else...excellent support characters in PvE but 20 low dps folks in PvP? You're gonna get mobbed...and there's nothing you can do but get killed.

    Thats the problem in my view, too many alliance/not enough horde, and too many in some classes and not enough in balance..."who wants to be a priest? Nah I'll be a hunter coz pets are cool" or whatever...nothing wrong with that, who are Blizzard to tell you which char to play, or which side to play on...but of course it means the huge number of SUPPORT CLASS players who don't WANT to be a support class (lets face it they want to be <insert favourite videogame character here> and smite evil, not an assist char) short they don't want to be team players.

    Play what you are...stop whining about the grass being greener...and if you don't like it, play another class! Hey, maybe you just aren't the kind of person who finds WoW fun? If you levelled every class to 60 you may eventually find out..hey, none of these classes are fun..I hate this game! But the whole grass is greener thing (ie whining) is just stupid...
    Well Hello!

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