....something so bloody obvious that I'm kicking myself for it.
Normally I trim my plane to fly straight and level to get the best speed out of it. What I didn't realise is that this cut down your rate of turn as you have effectively trimmed against up elevator!
Just tried it out in the 'Stang, trimmed and un-trimmed... massive difference! So I went back and tried it with the Hurri... same difference... then the Yak3... same again!
There was me thinking I wasn't getting high speed stalls very often cos I'd spent ages setting up the stick sensitivity and it was cos I was trimmed for some down elevator to stop the nose rising and keep level flight!
No wonder every guy in the air was staying with me in the turns... thats it then, no more trimming for this dude... (well, maybe a little for a long trip but certainly not for a furball!)