My dad has recently upgraded and bought a 40D, leaving him with a spare 20D and Canon 17-85 IS lens. He is offering to sell it to me (we've not talked money but it would be reasonable). I am very tempted to buy the lens but can't decide on the camera. I've been eagerly waiting for the release of the 450D and am sorely tempted. I've used his 20D and find it a little too big and bulky. I am only an amateur photographer and not sure I want the level of sophistication the 20D offers. The 450D is clearly aimed at my level yet a 20D is on offer and probably at a decent price!
I am in a dilemma, do I go for the 20D, splash out for the 450D (@ £600 for Body only) or go for the considerably cheaper 400D (@ £349).
How do you think I would get on using the 400 or 450D with the 17-85 lens? Is it too heavy a lens for the camera?
I don't personally get on carrying a camera around my neck and when on holiday for example I like to carry my current camera (a Canon G3) around my waist in a Targus case. I've used the 20D before and would want a hip pack bag so that I have both hands free when not taking photos. Obviously going to a larger camera is going to demand a larger bag and I've been looking at the Tamrac Explorer 5501 & 5502 (link) amongst others. It looks like I can get a 20D with lens in this but could I go for something smaller if I went with the 450D and 17-85 lens. However, would the length of the lens mean a smaller bag won't work?
With the 20D & accessories in a hip pack, Explorer type bag do you think weight and bulk would be a concern? Does anyone use an x0D with a hip pack bag?
Sorry so many questions!