I've moved into a new place, and since I've been here a number of channels intermittently cut out. There is a train line at the bottom of the garden, however it's not specifically when trains go past. Apparently the aerial was put up new last year. Basically what happens is the picture breaks up and then stays broken up for a long time and then says "no signal" or just comes back. A few channels are not affected at all, it seems to be the channel 4 ones (E4, More 4 etc), ITV ones, BBC3 and channel 5 ones. Might be others too but I haven't noticed. It's really starting to annoy me because it's making programmes unwatchable. Sometimes it will happen when I move after sitting still (or maybe that's just coincidence), or when I turn the surround sound or other device on, which is in the same 4 gang socket adapter. It never did it in the other place I lived and I have no idea how to fix it or even if it's possible, any ideas?
