As the title - been asked to suggest a portable laptop that will do office, photoediting, and ability to play DVDs on the go would also be nice. They state decent screen for picture editing + battery life desirable.
Size 13" or thereabouts (person wants to be able to fly with it/use on lap on train journeys)
Re DVDs - am thinking portable DVD players presumably adequate for this? Most smaller laptops look to be ditching in-built DVD drives - though it adds to the bulk they would have to carry round.
I'm not entirely sure what to recommend so thought I would put this to the hexites to advise. Budget tbc, but they're not on a shoe string. My thinking was find a good IPS screen, presumably colour calibrated where possible, big battery + SSD machine, but I don't really know what CPU spec is good for photo editing. They want to be able to load pics off their camera and review/edit shots on their travels.... RAM and a quad core? I guess if they're backpacking then battery life between charges prob important. And I'm guessing on-board GPU will suffice for this, doesn't sound like gaming grunt will be important. Or does PhotoShop use CUDA or similar GPU acceleration?
Like I say, out of my sphere of knowledge on this one - any advice appreciated.