Hello PC fanatics. I have a question regarding whether or not I need a new PSU after installing a new GPU.
Here are my specs first off:
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
CPU Speed: 3.4 GHz
RAM: 8.1 GB
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit
Video Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Memory: 1TB
I'm going to be buying a new graphics card for my computer (factory default computer bought from BestBuy). This is my computer: asus.com/Desktop/Gaming/Essentio_CG8350/#specifications
Heres the GPU I'm going to get: bestbuy.com/site/EVGA+-+GeForce+GTX+550+Ti+2GB+GDDR5+PCI+Express+2.0+Graphics+Card/3628074.p?id=1218421871605&skuId=3628074&st=geforce&cp=1&lp=1#BVRRWidgetID
Apparently my computer has anywhere from 400 to 500 watts. A lot of people are also saying Amps are just as important, but I really have no clue what thats all about.
Basically, I need to know whether or not my computer will run smoothly with my current PSU after I install the GTX 550. Nvidia is saying the minimum required watts for that card is 400, which is what I have. But a lot of people also say its 'better to be safe than sorry'. Plus, I don't want to spend another 70 bucks on something I don't even need. And if I do need a new PSU, this is the one I plan on getting: bestbuy.com/site/Corsair+-+Builder+Series+600-Watt+ATX+CPU+Power+Supply/2193241.p?id=1218313325720&skuId=2193241&st=600w%20psu&cp=1&lp=6
Thanks for any response!