Hello all,

I am close to buying my newest system but I will have to replace my current power supply. My main focus is noise, or lack thereof. It will be a good quality unit.

Trotting over to SPCR shows the Nexus line to be particularly quiet, namely the NX-5000 R3 and the slightly less beastly Value 430W. Both should be considered inaudible for general use.

The system will be fairly low power draw from what I've read - my current plan is an i5 2500K, with an ASUS motherboard. Using on board iGPU. 8 GB RAM that might be expanded to 16GB in the future. Currently a PCI sound card (this may get upgraded to a USB equivalent, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it...) A similar system setup I saw on SPCR was drawing a measley 107W at full throttle, so I don't need much grunt from the PSU.

The other PSU on the list was this Kingwin Lazer Platinum 550W but I can't for the life of me find it in the UK. I've tried all the suppliers listed on the Kingwin site. Has anyone seen it for sale in the UK?

Also, can anyone find any information on previous revisions of the NX-5000? I can only find stats/reviews/prices for the latest model, which kinda makes sense, but surely there must have been reviews when R2 came out?! lol

The Nexus are top of my list as they are also a little smaller than most PSUs and it will be going into a smallish cube type HTPC case, so smaller is better (unless modular - but I'd have to get the measuring tape out for those, to see if they'd fit!).

Any help/advice/further recommendations are welcome