***But none of that addresses my question, which was why people still pirate MS Office when a highly functional, completely free and totally legitimate alternative exists?***
Well you've probably heard the same views as me for piracy so take your pick and add in a few if you like:-
Because it's the best?
Bill Gates has enough money anyway?
It's basically an American company?
Cos I can?
***For that matter, why do people need (and I stress need, rather than just want) Vista, when they probably already have XP, and Linux is available?***
Well why do people go to McDonalds and eat junk food.......... I would guess the majority of people are ignorant about OS, and MS are in the business of making money to sell their latest erm do you have much of a choice on OS when buying a new computer. So Vista is going to take over from winxp whether you like it or not, stay a dinosaur or jump on the band wagon.
It will be interesting to see how much support winxp (from MS) gets for new dx10 games.
***Also, in relation to your above point, can I point out the inherent contradiction. In one breath, you ask if MS cares if some people pirate Office, and in the next you claim out that they're attempting to make the OS pirate-proof. Does the latter not suggest the answer to the former? - that yes, they care.***
No confusion, get everyone to use your products by any means and kill the opposition, become a monopoly and then screw the consumer.......I haven't invented anything new companies are doing it all the time and sometimes run at a temporary loss or DUMP.
Do you realy think MS got where they are by absolute honesty, no attempt to intimidate the opposition, and not withholding coding to 3rd party suppliers, dumping free products to knock out the opposition and so on