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Thread: Online music downloading, p2p etc.

  1. #33
    Ive got 10/40w for blood... THCi's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Ravens Nest
    Here's an interesting post about the RIAA give it a read if you download copyright material.
    There isnt a post at that URL

  2. #34
    Ravens Nest
    Originally posted by THCi
    There isnt a post at that URL
    Well there was five days ago..., they seem to have removed it

  3. #35
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    At the end of the day if you have a good hi-fi system, listening to anything but the original CD just isn't good. you are always aware it could sound better. mp3s differ in quaility so much, alot of the ones i have were not worth the bandwidth it came down on! good as a sample to see if you want the real cd on your self though b4 you shell out the $.

  4. #36
    Senior Member schrickvr6's Avatar
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    i download music and i will continue to do so,the riaa can't touch anyone outside the us,unless the british government decides to deport you for mp3 piracy.

    p2p's also give unsigned and unknown artist a chance to get masive exposure that otherwise there is no way they could get,you will find alot of serious artists actually use p2p's to see how people like their new stuff.

    before p2p's i very rarely bought music,mainly because of lack of choice and obscene prices for something that is worth a few pence,record companies are way too greedy and thats a fact,whats a cd worth?a few pence so only a couple of thousand percent markup.

    look what happened when the riaa took on ag,ag got scared,made a deal to charge for downloading stuff but there selection was crap and was only available to usa so everyone stopped using it,the 'new' p2p's were already there for everyone to use and always will be.

  5. #37
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    Originally posted by schrickvr6
    i download music and i will continue to do so,the riaa can't touch anyone outside the us,unless the british government decides to deport you for mp3 piracy.
    Wrong, I'm afraid. The rights holder, or someone (like the RIAA) simply needs to take action in a UK court. Whether it will happen or not (my guess is it will, sooner or later) is another thing, but it CERTAINLY could, without deportation being needed.

    Originally posted by schrickvr6
    p2p's also give unsigned and unknown artist a chance to get masive exposure that otherwise there is no way they could get,you will find alot of serious artists actually use p2p's to see how people like their new stuff.
    There is nothing illegal about P2P, or about downloading music PROVIDING the rights holder has given permission. So that unknown artist you are worried about simply needs to give permission and their work can be distributed via P2P. But how does pirating well-known bands via P2P, or any other medium for that mattter, help unknown artists?

    Originally posted by schrickvr6
    before p2p's i very rarely bought music,mainly because of lack of choice and obscene prices for something that is worth a few pence,record companies are way too greedy and thats a fact,whats a cd worth?a few pence so only a couple of thousand percent markup.
    A CD might only cost a few pence to press, but there are all the production and distribution costs as well. But what it costs is not really the point. If you think a product, any product, is not worth what is being charged, simply don't buy it. That it being overpriced isn't a justification for just taking what you want - or I'd have a brand-new Aston Martin sitting in my garage. It is a rationalisation for knowingly breaking the law, and the vast majority of people illegally downloading only do it because they know the likelihood of getting caught and punished is minimal.

    Anyone that wishes to avoid being sued by the RIAA can achieve that simply - don't pirate copyright-protected material. It ain't rocket science.

  6. #38
    Senior Member schrickvr6's Avatar
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    But how does pirating well-known bands via P2P, or any other medium for that mattter, help unknown artists?
    i never said anything about well known bands.nearly everything i d/l is obscure stuff i would have never heard of otherwise.think of this you have an unknown artist and no p2p's nobody knows about them so they don't sell anything..or you have an unknown artist and p2p's..they get a global audience who can decide for themselves if they are any good and if their music is worth buying.

    either way i think the only people who lose out from p2p's are the money grabbing record labels and big time artists who quite frankly have quite enough cash already.

    to me i don't think its any worse than recording something off the radio which i think almost everyone has done at some time

  7. #39
    Senior Member Nemeliza's Avatar
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    Someone referred to stealing a mercades or something.
    If you was to steal a car which was parked in the street with both doors open and a key in the ignition, fair enuff u wud get done for theft but the owner would also have to accept responsibility for carelessness.
    A very lame argument is 'I did it because i could'

    Simple theory: If you dont want it to happen then dont make it possible
    Easier said than done though :|

  8. #40
    Senior Member Russ's Avatar
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    its affected the music business massivley. i have over 2000 songs at home you know! am i a DJ? no i have the internet, now 2000 songs at say 2 quid a time is £4000 pounds worth of music i got for free, now surely thats robbing people blind.

  9. #41
    Senior Member Nemeliza's Avatar
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    Yeah but if u didnt have access to the net, how many of those would you have actully paid for?

    All 2000? i doubt it.

  10. #42
    Senior Member Russ's Avatar
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    i would of bought at least 1.

    thats £2 i stole.

    now say if 1million people in britain bought 1 instead of d/l ...

  11. #43
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    Ive never bought singles, 3 quid for one song was just too much of a ripoff. However since I got BB, and started downloading I download songs, and if I like them I will buy the album. Even if I D/L the whole thing off kazaa, If i really like it I will buy it. Partially to support the artists who make the music, but also because I want to build my collection. Having a burned CD just isnt the same, and IMO never could be.

    P2P's are almost like interactive radio, where you get to listen to stuff you would never just buy, and expand your musical influences.

    I honestly dont believe that it has a negative impact on CD sales (in the UK at least), as us Brits are collectors at heart, and I for one buy albums more regularly now than I ever did before I used P2Ps

  12. #44
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    Well I haven't bought a single CD since I got Broadband

  13. #45
    One skin, two skin......
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    I like to download pr0n from the Interwebbynet. This causes a problem , because I am right handed and have had to learn to use left handed websites........

  14. #46
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    Smile Hello

    Hello,I am Caroline from Lebanon,this is my first post.As regarding this current topic on downloading music from the internet,I see that paying for downloading is fair for the flourish of music industry,but doing so is not always available.However,if there exists an easy way to download a song and at the same time pay for it easily online,i will certainly do so,I AM A SUBSCRIBER AT [E MUSIC] for example,.Unfortunately, not all the desired songs are found on legal sites,other songs are present only on cd and the record LABEL inform us that we must buy it and not download it online[even IF WE ARE WILLING TO PAY THEM FOR IT] It is rediculous,if i live in the Middle East,and have the cd shipped to me from USA for example,the cd will either be lost or arive after monthes due to security measures in my country.The only alternative left for me is to search or request this song free on torrents and forums and no other alternative.To summerize,let every song on the planet earth be [mandatory]available for legal download online for those not wishing to run the trouble of ordering overseas cds and suffering shipping hazards.Copyright laws must change to be up to date,whether artists and recording labels like it or not
    Last edited by carol77; 22-12-2006 at 07:46 PM.

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