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Thread: What would you do?

  1. #1
    Dark Souled Warrior Auran's Avatar
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    Question What would you do?

    As some of you may or may not know Alistair Campbell is currently touring the Country doing question and answer sessions. Having read a review one of the things that came up was if he could have put one piece of legislation on the statute books, what would it have been?

    His reply somewhat amusingly was to exile the Daily Mirror. Now this would be no loss to me as the quality of journalism is this rag is so poor I wouldn't even wipe my a**e on it But I did think it slightly hypocritical from a media manipulator such as him, though it was perhaps just because they'd never print what he wanted.

    Anyway, I was curious as to what the members that frequent this forum would have answered? Sensible and funny answers welcome

    To start the ball rolling, I'd make it law that all former press secretaries to the prime minister should be exiled to a remote Scotish island where their only contact with the outside world would be via messages in a bottle

  2. #2
    Goat Boy
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    This is a damn good question!

    After a long think (I've been drinking for the past few hours so probably a longer think than normal )...

    I think I would bring in legislation to enable total transparency to all forms of government, with the exception of security sensitive areas like MI5/MI6 etc. Britain harps on about how it is the birthplace of representative democracy, but the amount of "behind closed doors" meetings and the refusal to supply information when requested (by itspublic)on account of "corporate privacy" is disgusting.

    Oh, and for the record I dont think Campbell was all that bad. I'm no Labour supporter, but I think the main reason he got a lot of stick from the press was because he played them at their own game and frequently won.
    "All our beliefs are being challenged now, and rightfully so, they're stupid." - Bill Hicks

  3. #3
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    Here here....the press moan about spin .....its the basis of why they were so successful until we got even faster media communications

  4. #4
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    I think the thing that the country is most in need of is a proper integrated transport policy.
    It would make a change from all this PPP rubbishrubbishrubbishrubbish we have rammed down our throats.

  5. #5
    2nd hardest inthe infants petrefax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaBeeeenster
    This is a damn good question!
    legislation to enable total transparency to all forms of government, with the exception of security sensitive areas like MI5/MI6 etc. Britain harps on about how it is the birthplace of representative democracy, but the amount of "behind closed doors" meetings and the refusal to supply information when requested (by itspublic)on account of "corporate privacy" is disgusting.
    nuff said....stout fellow, 100% behind you there dabeeeenster
    if it ain't broke...fix it till it is

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