This relates mainly to the question... "Should accusers previous information come out in court?"
Imagine this scenario:
An elderly man from a nearby village which I happen to know (69) was in the local pub one night, He tells a few friends about his life savings and retirement plan to live in Australia.
One week later he is charged for raping 2 daughters he had in a previous marriage over 30 years ago... Why? Because the ex-wife of that marriage was sitting in the back of the pub and overheard this conversation of him having a few thousand pounds saved up for his retirement.
This brings me back to the original question. The reason I ask this is that this ex-wife and her daughters have successfully done this to three, yes I said THREE men already!! :/
As this information is not allowed to come out in court, I'm not sure if it will be brought open in the appeal, The ex-wife and daughters walk away with this elderly mans life savings and his dream retirement plan.
So here we are, an elderly man, in jail for "rape" and his life stripped away from him. He can only think about his ex-wife and daughters throwing 60 years of his life down the drain. Even if he wins at the appeal, he probably wont get his money back and the ex-wife and daughters will walk Scot-free.
- No money
- No Dream retirement
- Not guilty!
- This has been done to 2 men previously by the same daughters and ex-wife (they are getting good at this horrible scam now)
I do apologise in front of my next comment for its strong passion.
I understand these are family forums but this particular forum has a fairly adult nature. So I believe you can understand me when I say...
"This is a ****ing outrage!! Why is this poor guy powerless again crooks?" Another failure by the system!
Maybe I'm not getting something here? Maybe I'm missing the point? Please tell me where this guy has gone wrong, other than share his dream story with a few friends in the wrong company? Because apparently he can goto jail under a rape charge for that!