Anyone who has read a paper this week must have seen the results of the OECD international testing for 15 year olds to determine levels of education around the world.
The results appear to be that our teenagers have slipped considerably. For a number of years now people have been complaining about the 'bar being lowered' in the education sysem so that the govt can report record achievements amongst school leavers. Crusty old dinosaurs like myself have held the belief that the GCSE is no comparison to the older GCE system. Sadly, and I do mean sadly, it appears we may have been right. I have teenage kids and I know that members of this forum have recently taken GCSEs. I feel that my kids have been let down and that the work of the people who have taken the exams has been in some way belittled. I'd be interested to see what some of you who have taken exams recently feel on this.
Frankly it seems that our kids have been put second to manipulation of govt figures. Whatever it takes to look good. Only they can't manipulate internationally collated figures. So what we are seeing is the truer picture as a result. Kids don't get smarter or thicker, they simply respond to the standard of training they are given. In this case, slipping standards it seems.
Should we return to the previous GCE system. Or should they try and make the current system workable?