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Thread: Why Vaul should dislike the Bush Administration

  1. #33
    LUSE Galant's Avatar
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    Well then, I'm glad that people are better informed than it may have first seemed, and that we recognise the context of 9/11 and the response, rather than seeing it as an isolated event.

    It would seem to me to be a good idea to interpret the text by looking at the historical context in which it was written. They were preventing a return of the kind of situation in England, and other parts of Europe from which they fled. What's more, if you look at other actions the initial government took, there were state paid chaplains in government, prayer before governmental meetings, and encouragment of religion, particularly Christian religion. Those who penned those lines didn't see a problem with that. What they had a problem with was governments who dictated what religion people should follow, who persecuted those who followed other religions, who basically tried to dictate the beliefs and practises of the citizens.

    The UN has problems, true.
    Then for a group that goes around speaking of values and putting itself forward as the watchman of the world, it should make definite steps towards sorting itself out, not make excuses or ineffective resolutions. More action, less talk. Whether America or any other nation has problems doesn't affect that, America should sort some things out, that isn't an excuse for the UN to delay it's own much needed self-correction.
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  2. #34
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    9/11 was an isolated event, in terms of scale. It changed the world.

    The attack on the USS Cole doesn't register as a blip on the scale, 9/11 is the scale. 9/11 is the reason the US went into Afghanistan, the reason they went into Iraq, and the reason they continue to pursue the war on terror.

    9/11 couldn't be more isolated - it is completely alone as the single and only reason that the US and UK now have troops in Iraq. Everything that has happened recently in the war on terror, in fact, the war on terror itself, can be traced back to 9/11.

    In comparison, the attacks on the USS Cole and other terrorist incidents didn't even happen. 9/11 changed the world, changed America, changed the face of the Middle East and probably changed world history for a good few years to come.

    And I say that in no way disrespecting the 17 US sailors who were killed in the attack on the Cole, but simply in terms of the event on a world scale.
    Last edited by Stewart; 07-01-2005 at 01:23 PM.

  3. #35
    LUSE Galant's Avatar
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    I'd have to agree with your point but disagree with your terminology. 9/11 was unique, but it wasn't isolated.
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  4. #36
    Almost in control. autopilot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RVF500
    You're right myth, many aren't happy with it. Russia and China who are perennial enemies are holding joint military exercises for example. No one trusts the Americans in their self appointed role of world policeman.

    As for liberating yourselves you need to look a bit more closely at your own history. Being in the pocket of the French, without whom you would have remained a colony, your nation invaded Canada at their behest. 1812. The subsequent conflict saw the American forces pushed back to New Orleans. Washington and Baltimore burned on the way. The battle at New Orleans was badly prosecuted by the British and they were beaten that time. This is widely touted as the reason for the end of that conflict whereas it was in fact the French who called the ceasefire. At that time as I understand it you hadn't robbed Texas from Mexico so New Orleans could be said to be as far as you could go before you ran out of territory to run to. So don't give me your well worn in your face crap about the war of independence. That was about some wealthy landowners realising that a country was there for the taking. Stuff your taxation without representation argument where most of you have your heads buried. And don't quote history to a nation that actually has a history.

    We're supposed to be allies now so how about your people stop belittling others efforts and recognise that other people are making sacrifices as well. US foriegn economic policy has harmed our economy. Bush's steel reforms for example. Its very much a one way street and that's what upsets everyone not any of your national achievements. The way that every minor event is rammed down the throats of the rest of the world.
    Well said that man. It's bizare that americans often seem to now less about thier own history than british school kids. Did you know that most of the fighting actually did not even involve britsh soldiers, as much of it was in-fighting. Land of the free? then why did they commit one of the biggest acts of genocide the world has seen? (that not to say the UK was not quite naughty) Anyway, who says that the americans beat the british? 'Americans' did not really exist back then - it was English, irish, scotish, swedish etc settlers that saw of (in a way) the britsh government forces. So when dumb americans say to me "Yeah, we kicked your ass!", i just think "tit". Did you know the Sundance Kid had a english black country accent? It's true, he used to say - 'and over 't brass chuck!.

    Also, i heard on radio 4 once that Washington was english(?) and that he wanted to be in the britsh army as an officer. They would not let him in and said he was 'unstable'. He wanted revenge for this. Please correct me if this is wrong.

    Also, can someone please explain why the USA is more "free" than england, australia, etc..? In some ways they are less free IMO.

    One of the problems today is this - the US used to be the underdog of the world and had a heathly underdog attitude. Now they are the worlds only superpower they have not dropped the underdog attitude, which comes accross as very arrogant now. See what i mean?

    I have some good american friends, i love the USA. It's a shame people like myth have to tarnish thier once good name.

    And if we are going to get petty - i think america owe's europe and the world much more than we owe them. But i don't like to think in those terms really, its sad.

    "we were the first to make the atom bomb" - you say that like you are proud myth.

    Oh, and people using 9/11 as an excuse for invading Iraq makes me feel sick. But thats just Me! (well actually thats millions). Don't they know the word 'gullible' has been taken out of the dictionary?!

    Sorry for going of topic chaps!!!

    Peace to you all .
    Last edited by autopilot; 07-01-2005 at 06:11 PM.

  5. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galant
    Regarding the whole Church/State thing, would someone please take a look at where that idea came from and what is actually set out to do and get back to me. Perhaps a quote from the Consititution. I honestly think most people will find themselves to be misinterpreting the whole thing.

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