Well then, I'm glad that people are better informed than it may have first seemed, and that we recognise the context of 9/11 and the response, rather than seeing it as an isolated event.
It would seem to me to be a good idea to interpret the text by looking at the historical context in which it was written. They were preventing a return of the kind of situation in England, and other parts of Europe from which they fled. What's more, if you look at other actions the initial government took, there were state paid chaplains in government, prayer before governmental meetings, and encouragment of religion, particularly Christian religion. Those who penned those lines didn't see a problem with that. What they had a problem with was governments who dictated what religion people should follow, who persecuted those who followed other religions, who basically tried to dictate the beliefs and practises of the citizens.
Then for a group that goes around speaking of values and putting itself forward as the watchman of the world, it should make definite steps towards sorting itself out, not make excuses or ineffective resolutions. More action, less talk. Whether America or any other nation has problems doesn't affect that, America should sort some things out, that isn't an excuse for the UN to delay it's own much needed self-correction.The UN has problems, true.