I find this quite shocking. I know technically it's nothing new with GPS etc but the fact that this is readily available to anyone for any mobile is disturbing. The safeguard that’s put in place IMO is not enough (in order for you to be tracked a code is sent to your phone which must be entered into the website to activate it) because this could all be done without you knowing. I know I don't keep watch of my mobile 24/7, would be easy enough for someone to get the code sent over and entered without me ever knowing. I can see how parents would have a use for it knowing where their kids are but I still find that wrong, except when used in extreme circumstances. I wouldn't want my parents to be able to trace wherever I was whenever they liked. I can also see many other practical uses for the police etc but I really think its use should be limited. I remember reading somewhere how potentially employers could make you agree to the tracking if you accept a job. Imagine that, constantly having your actions traced which is fair enough to some extent when you’re working but could so easily be misused.
The other use is as described in that article as advertising for various services. Again, it has practical uses e.g. you are out and need somewhere to eat or stay and this will be able to work out your position and tell you the nearest hotel / restaurant. That’s all good, but what about when you start getting bombarded with stuff you really don’t need e.g. Cinema works out you are near and gives you info on cinema times, useful if you request it but I can just see this turning into mass spamming of crap you don't want.
Big conspiracy plot now, what if it was used to build up profiles of you tracking where you go and what you do. Maybe I'm just being paranoid but I can see this leading on to so much more it's just scary how technology has evolved and what is now possible.