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Thread: Is my computer dying?

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
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    • theAverageJoe's system
      • Motherboard:
      • Jetway 945GCM2SA2-6H
      • CPU:
      • Core 2 Duo E4500 @2.43GHz
      • Memory:
      • Dynet/Hynix 1GB DDR2-667
      • Storage:
      • Hitachi 160 GB SATA
      • Graphics card(s):
      • OnBoard i945G 400MHz
      • PSU:
      • Generic
      • Case:
      • Generic
      • Operating System:
      • W7U-x86
      • Monitor(s):
      • Samsung SyncMaster 732N-plus
      • Internet:
      • its pretty slow...

    Question Is my computer dying?

    Hey guys, how's everybody doing? This is my first post on hexus, and i'd like to say hello to everyone. I've always found Hexus (both the site as well as the forums) to be very helpful, and thats why i've finally decided to join in.

    Now as for my actual problem, Here is my rig's details-
    Videocard: Onboard 82945G
    Processor: Core 2 Duo E4500@2.43GHz -1.1V
    Motherboard: Jetway 945GCM2S-A2
    Memory: Hynix 1 GB DDR2-667
    Soundcard: onboard Realtek ALC662
    PSU: Stock 450W

    As you can see its made up of very cheap hardware, i got this built back in Feb 2008 for around $5000.
    A month back i decided to overclock, and using clunk's guide on this very site i brought it from 2.2GHZ to 2.43 GHz (220mhz FSB, since it is multiplier locked). Its stable now, but a few issues have cropped up of late-

    1. Sometimes the monitor loses signal while booting up.
    This has never happened before. I mean, while the computer is booting, after the POST completes, before the windows logo appears, the monitor loses signal for 4-5 seconds.

    2. It does not power down after shut down.
    After i click sut down and the shutdown procedure completes, the power should automatically turn off, right? well that doesn't happen. The fans keep running, but there is no signal to the monitor. The red LED on the case also keeps blinking normally. Atlast i have to manually turn off the UPS.

    What do these things mean? Is my rig dying? TBH i have never done anything intensive with it. I'm worried by these issues and i'd appreciate if you guys help me out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    1 time in 1 post

    Re: Is my computer dying?

    These details you describe, I presume they didn't happen before you overclocked?

    The trouble is, overclocking an older system can push it over the edge. Although, it can also be a useful way of extending a system's life.

    Revert to default boot up; if the problems go away it's likely to be something to do with your overclocking. You may be able to save your current bios configuration, enabling you to reload it if the overclock isn't the issue.

    It is also possible your psu is borderline for handling your system since overclocking - depends on the quality of the psu, not just the power it claims it can deliver; although it seems unlikely, but as components get older, weird stuff can happen.

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