First of all, sorry if this is the wrong forum for this thread. I'm new here & this seemed like the most appropriate place for this. PM me if you move it please so I can keep track of it.
So I've been looking at upgrading my CPU & mobo for a while now - my specs are to the left & as you can see my CPU & mobo (mostly) bottleneck everything else. I have a fair amount of money clearing on friday (not all to spend on a PC though!) so my budget isn't very strict and it can go over by say £50-£100.
These are the bits I'm looking to get to upgrade my PC:
Budget is £320ish without PSU, £400ish with PSU. Can anyone find better parts or better prices? I'm looking at Scan & Ebuyer right now for all my parts.
The ONLY limitation is that the motherboard MUST be MATX to fit in my case (NZXT Vulcan) and the H60 is the only closed loop solution I could find to fit my case that I can buy in the UK. Crossfire support would be nice if I decide to get another 6970 further down the line but isn't an absolute must. I put a 750w PSU on there to future proof in case I get another 6970 but I won't get another PSU just yet if my board doesn't support 2 GPUs.
I'd rather spend £150 and get a top of the range motherboard than buy a new case for £100 and buy a cheapo motherboard to get the features I want before anyone says get an ATX case and an ATX board...
Any help is appreciated, thanks!