Hi all,
I'm new to the forums here.
This is the first time I'm building a PC from scratch by myself - in the past I've had a friend assist me but thought it's about time I tried myself.
My budget is about £1000 but it'd be nice if I could save a few pennies here and there, wouldn't want to go over though.
Will generally be using for just gaming and web browsing, nothing too intense.
I plan to reuse my current 3.5" HDD and DVD drive since they're still usable IMO.
I've done some looking around, and I'll be honest, it's very similar to the Intel build found here:
I did find it very helpful though and I've add a couple of the parts myself.
My basket: (Scan) /savedbasket/ea170d8d582b48c2b0326aae306ba903
I can't post URLs yet so the Scan in brackets just means the Scan website prefix (just in case it wasn't clear)
Any advice would be most welcome
Mod Edit: Added the link for you, welcome to HEXUS