I got given a low end Sempron 145 based PC for a PC building and repairing course I did.
I've paid about £50-£70 for parts to make it better, these are the specs:
Motherboard: ASRock N68-VS3 FX
CPU: Sempron 145 Oc'ed and unlocked into an AMD Athlon II X2 4450e @3.5GHz
RAM: 4GB DDR3 1333MHz
GPU: XFX NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 Black Edition
Disk Drive: DVD Burner
PSU: PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W (SeaSonic OEM)
CPU Cooler: ASUS Amazing Axe Square Extreme Limited Edition
Fans: 1X 120MM Front fan, 1X 60MM side fan and 1X 80MM rear fan
Case: Heavily modded (for better cooling and to fit in the GPU) 715 Case (eBay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OEM-715-Mi...item5d41a052ac)
So what do ya think? (bearing in mind it only cost me ~£60