Hey everyone.
I've not been keeping up with the latest news for the past year or so, so I am really struggling to get up to speed when putting together a replacement for my 4 year old system. It still handles everything well, so I'm hoping to put together something that can last another good stretch of time, here's my current thinkings, any help would be really apriciated.
Design work (Print and digital) So a lot of Photoshop, InDesign and After effects for my job. Also I'm a big gamer so this system will be used for both. I don't normaly OC a system, but I don't rule out the option.
I imagine for the parts I'm looking at around the £800 mark.
Intel Core i5 4670K
Intel Core i5 3570K
Intel Core i5 3350p
Need help in this area
Again not sure, I'm thinking 16GB low latancy, but not sure on what speed to be looking at, as there is a lot more choice than 4 years ago haha.
Geforce GTX 770
Geforce GTX 760?
SSD (for boot + main program/game installs , Not sure if 128GB will be enough):
Samsung 840 pro 256GB
Samsung 840 EVO 250GB
SANDISK Extreme 256GB
550W? prehaps a Enermax or Thermaltake again.
I guess if i get a mobo with a decent chip on I wont need one, and with the hastle I had with Creative on Windows 7 I may stay clear...
Any sugestions would be welcomed. I've currently got a stupid amount of tabs open researching haha!
Thanks for your time peeps!