As an original backer of Star Citizen (Golden Ticket Holder and first day backer) I realized that my old setup wasn't going to be anywhere near powerful enough to run the finished game. I don't have a steady stream of income, so all the parts I buy foe my new rig are cheap, from off ebay.
Here's what I have so far:
MSI Z68A-GD55 (B3) motherboard
Coolermaster GX 450W 80+ Bronze
Pentium G630 2.7GHz
HIS Radeon HD 6750 1GB
Raidmax Helios PC Case
I also am using a 1440x900 monitor; really a fan of 16x10.
So, the video card I have is not stellar, and neither is the CPU. Which do you guys think ,might be the biggest bottleneck? I know I'm going to have to upgrade both sooner or later if I am going to play SC. The question for me is which should I focus on upgrading first? Thanks for the help.
*EDIT* It's a B3 not G3 model.