Hey everyone!

Pretty thrilled to have just ordered the motherboard for this one in Scan's today only () and though I'm fairly sure all my parts will be compatible I thought it was probably a good time to check with the experts.


MOBO: Gigabyte GA-Z87X-D3H

CPU (and graphics for now): Intel Core i5-4670K 3.40GHz (Haswell)

GPU: nothing - graphics or additional storage will probably be the first upgrade to this PC, I just can't afford it all in one go. Also it simplifies the build, and I've never built before.

PSU: XFX Pro550W

Storage: Kingston 120GB SSDNow V300 SATA 3 2.5""
I plan to add a 1 or 2 TB HD when I can, but I can't afford it right now and I already had this

OS: Windows 7 but will probably Hackintosh at some point too

Aside from the SSD which I already had, none of the components in this are what I'd originally planned on buying, but they're all better parts and I managed to get them for the same price (got the i5 for the price of the i3 I was originally planning to get! ). This is lovely except I was sure on the compatibility of the original parts and now I'm not 100% certain (more like 99 )...

I haven't got the case or RAM yet but RAM will be 2x4GB 1600MHz CL9 1.35 or 1.5v with a heat spreader (not sure on brand yet, I think any big brand should be fine though - right?). Any suggestions on the case (<£50, preferably <£40) would be grand, and I actually have a thread open already about that .

Anyway - does this look like it should all be compatible? Have I done anything horrifically wrong so far?

I sure hope not, but I'd rather know now than when I blow it up by turning the switch on. Haha.