Was wanting to get opinions on my build.
Got it a few years back for about $1600NZL and looking to upgrade in the next 12 months.
Was originally built as workstation PC for 3D drawing and some* gaming, some may have become more frequent but besides that I do want to throw in a GTX970 but would love some feedback on the build overall.
Current build running triple monitor 24'' 1920x1080:
CPU- INTEL i7 3770 IVY BRIDGE 3.4 - 3.9Ghz, LGA1155
RAM - Strontium Hynix 16Gb (8 x 2) DDR3
GPU - Power Color HD7850 2Gb 260Mhz/1200Mhz x 4 256bit
HDD - Wester Digital 1TB 7200RPM
PSU - AcBel CE2 550W