Hi guys,
I'm currently exploring an option to spend approx £500 on my PC as I haven't touched it for ages and feel a need for it
Currently got:
CPU: Intel - Core i5-2500K (overclocked to 4.3Ghz)
Motherboard: Asus P8P67 Pro R3.1 P67
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3 2400
Video Card: Gigabyte - GeForce GTX 970 G1
Monitor: 2x 24'' iiyama 1080p
I also got Oculus which i use sporadically for few games like Elite Dangerous, Robo Recall and hoping to try a new Hellblade i just purchused on GoG
As mentioned due to my budged I would have to choose between CPU+Mobo+RAM; GPU or 1440p Monitor/s.
Ideally i would like to upgrade at least one of my monitors to 1440p which i can now pick up for ~£185 (not sure how good it is https://www.scan.co.uk/products/27-i...p-hdmi-usb-hub)
GPU wise I could stretch and upgrade to 1080Ti (including selling my 970).
However my biggest problem is with CPU as this would require new mobo and ram and im just not sure if i would really see any benefit of it as my 2500k is overclock to decent speed.
Im not (unfortunately) heavy gamer any more and play a lot of older games (Witcher 1-2, Mass effect Civ 5-6 etc).
So the bottom line question from me would be of the order of the upgrades? Should i go and first change monitors and see how this will hold up?
Or take a leap with the cpu to the latest gen 8600k or even 9600k which would hopefully last me then again for 7+years (2011 when I bought my 2500k).
GPU im a bit worried to upgrade as with the new gen just lunching it might be more economical to sit tight for another few months etc for the prices of the older ones to drop like 1080ti etc.
Any suggestions would be much appropriated.