Hello folks,
I am about to get some components together for a medium(ish) end gaming machine for my very keen and competitive gaming offspring.
Games will include:
Turn-Based Titles;
Civ VI,
Endless Space II,
Driving and Flight Sims:
F1 2012, 2017, Mud Runner,
Assetto Corsa,
Euro Truck Sim 2,
Train Sim,
Microsoft FSX,
BattleField V
I was initially going to base the build on an i5 9400 but I felt I should take advantage of the current price reduction on the 9660K and on various other components.
The list as it stands at the moment is shown below. It is by no means complete or final, so please feel free to criticize and offer suggestions.
Cpu: i5 9900K (Taking advantage of current discount offer)
MB: ASUS STRIX Z390-E GAMING (Taking advantage of current Asus offer)
RAM: 16GB (2x8GB) Corsair DDR4 Vengeance LPX Black, 2666
PSU: 650 (ish) Watt
Boot Storage: 500 GB 2.5 SSD/M.2 Nvme
Storage: 2TB HDD
GPU: GTX 1660ti/RTX??? (I am considering some current Asus offers)
Case: Not an issue but suggestions welcome
Periferals: Will sort later.
I will be ordering in the next few days.