Hi I run a recording studio and am in need of a system upgrade .
I am very interested in your 3XS SA-i7 PowerDAW but have a few questions.
How many available expansion slots are there ? I have 2 uad one and 1 TC powercore pci cards which I would like to still use on the new system.
I also plan on adding a uad2 quad pcie ,ssl duende pcie and a further tc powercore pcie.
I may also upgrade to an ssl mx4 pcie audio card in the near future
So I need a minimum of 3 pci and 4 pcie slots.
Will the 650 watt power supply cope with this ?
Drives wise I would like 2 i TB audio drives in addition to the system drive.
Which drive model would you suggest as system drive ?
Consider that I may add a 2nd partition for a 64 bit OS in the near future
I need a quiet and cool graphics card without any bells and whistles but with the ability to run 2 monitors,will one of the ati,s you offer fit this criteria.
I plan on using win xp for the next 6 months to a year until 64 bit drivers become available for a couple of items but want the system to be ready for 64 bit from the offset.
So I,d consider getting 3 -2 gb sticks of ram from the start, leaving me room to upgrade to 12 GB in the future.
I understand only 2.9 -3.5 Gb will be available in xp 32.
Do you see any problems with this ?
Is it possible to put this system in your rack chassis rather than the tower you no offer ?
All my other computers are rackmounted and I prefer this setup.
What is the firewire chipset used in this system ? I presently use a MOTU firewire audio interface connected to my apogee rosetta convertors and need a TI chipset for smooth running.
Thanks very much for your time.