Hello all,
I'm considering purchasing a 3XS White Tiger, highest specification available in the customization.
I have some very important questions beforehand though, that I would like answered by a Scan representative if possible.
Firstly regarding the Overclocking option on the 980x.
I'm interested to know what methods are used to guarantee overclock stability. I would assume something along the lines of OCCT/Prime95 & Memtest86+ are run for long periods afterwards.
Also do Scan provide any evidence of the outcome of stability testing etc?
I'd be selecting 12GB RAM In the format of 3x4Gb. I notice you say this may limit the OC. I'd have expected this with a 6x2Gb configuration. With the 3x4Gb configuration, what sort of OC would you expect possible on the 980x?
As upon receipt of the system chances are that'd be the first thing's I'd be doing to verify that the machine I've just spent all my savings on is 100% stable under extreme load.
Also, after the system's been built and OC'd what range of temperatures are deemed as acceptable by Scan for the CPU?
I'd be selecting 3 of the EVGA GTX580 cards. Are these overclocked by Scan?
Basically if you could detail the stability/testing procedures used before a system is dispatched that would be greatly appreciated.
Another question (sorry). If I select to have the machine loaded with say Windows 7 Pro X64 OEM. I assume I receive the disc.
What about say the accessories that are included with the Rampage III Extreme motherboard that's in the system. The stuff I'd receive in the box if I bought the retail board?
And say the New Intel Stock cooler for the 980x.. whilst the system wouldn't have it installed I'd assume I should receive this also.
Thanks in advance.
If a Scan representative wanted to answer these queries via email, rather than on this board could they do so via: allenXX . rupertXX AT gmail . com [remove all Xs and spaces from email address].