Greetings All,
I have been playing with various 3XS configurations over the last 24 hrs and should finance allow, I will look to purchase a 1.5K PC around Easter time.
Most of the systems I have looked at are overclocked to 4Ghz and have a RAM warning as per the thread title. If I have a board capable of taking 24gb, and I'm being advised that 12gb may cause overclock problems, is it better to swerve the overclock as ultimately I will want to be a 'ram-whore' and fill it up to the max
I'm using a Dell Vostro Dual Core p.o.s currently so not overclocking an i5/i7 is not really a big deal as I'm sure the performance upgrade will be staggering without. The other side of the coin is the option to go even faster for no more £'s making it rude not too from that point of view??
Any opinions on the RAM / Overclocking situation would be very much appreciated as I haven't got a clue!!