As there are a few threads outlining what customers think could be improved, I thought it only fair to provide some balance to my comments with what they get right.
- Spec'ing the machine is these days more configurable than Dell etc. Dell used to be really good at this, when everyone else just shipped standard boxes. Now Dell seem to be moving back to limited or pre-built systems. Scan get it right, and even more so, not just how much memory, but what brand, 2 DIMMS or 4. The same for most of the other components too.
- The Spec can be adjusted outside of the pre-defined choices. As I found when I wanted a H100i, rahter than a H100.
- The Spec is checked. I'd chosen a case that didn't have room for the radiator. No problem, it's switched for another case.
- Build updates that add an insight into what's happening in a really good way. Not just Building - Built - Shipped.
- Burn-in results in the tracking. Really nice to see.
- BIOS OC settings emailed to you, in case they get wiped or lost.
- Thorough QC. Looks like they even burn a CD and DVD, to check they work. That's pretty thorough if you ask me.
- OC options. Again, looking at Dell for example you have to go Alienware for an option to OC, and even that's limited.
- Super-tidy build. Cables are fed round the back of the case, and proberly bound and attached. Meaning the inside of your case doesn't look like a many legged octopus got in.
- Real performance focus if you have the budget - Whereas many seem to offer what they think they can get away with at the cheapest price, 3XS systems provide you with real performance options, with real performance components if you want to.
In short my PC is top notch and really great. And while I still think things could be improved, I hope the above outline why I'm very happy with what I got.
I also apprecaite that the above doesn't apply to everyeone. If you're on a budget of £300 you're not going to be glad of the SLI option available.