I have an asus 1650pro 256mb silent card bought in September 2006 and already 1 warranty replacement in November 2006.

This morning the card shutdown whilst in windows playing flight simulator

Suddenly pc rebooted then I saw smoke and flames coming out of my box.
It was a very scary moment as fuse did not trip but i yasnked power lead out and this stopped the fire.

On opening the box it is clear the graphics card caught fire as it is black and 2 components are now in the case . So need to call scan tomorrow to get a replacement.

My pc is Akasa Eclipse 62 case with 2 120mm ultra quiet Akasa case fans sucking in air at front and blowing out back and also have artic cooling freezer pro fan.

1) Has anyone heard of cooling problems with this card including catching fire

2) has anyone else had graphics card shutdown whilst running windows due to over heating?

3)Is there not enough air flow in my pc?

For the pictures of toasted card go to