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Thread: Thanks SCAN and sorry for your loss

  1. #1
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    Thanks SCAN and sorry for your loss

    Hi ,

    I purchased a 7950GX2 XXX XFX about 7.5 months ago , anyway after I purchased it I lived to regret it , the reason being is because it was the fastest card around it was also the hottest card around. Anyway the temps were 89c idle and on load things were much worst.I purchased two other 7950GX2 too and they seem to work perfectly fine.

    Also when purchasing this particular one I paid about 25% than the cheapest 7950gx2 , the cheapest 7950gx2 at the time was a card which was £370 and the card I bought was considerably higher and was for £530 .

    I came to scan a few times until just recently had to come again cos it died on me ( it was inevitable). Also I learnt that due to the heat reason it was discontinued. Now because of this both me and Scan had to pay the price..

    I was given a option where both Scan and I would lose out , where really XFX should be one who should have paid for making a product which was filled with heat flaws

    I was told that Scan would only be paid £95 and the card when they bought it they would have paid probably £400.

    The problem is this that why do enthusiast like me have to bear the heat (also Scan) , also we enthusiasts always suffer for buying things the week they come out , because of price and the poor support that comes with it.

    I just feel that us true enthusiast should see better support cos we always pay the price for that. I remember when I got the Tagan 900watt the week it came out and they also suffered from a fault where the manufacturer let both scan and me down, I have had to change the Tagan 900watt two times to date because of a switch.

    Also the EVGA 680i board which until yesterday I had to run one ram stick(I had 4 x 1gb and it would only take one) and I bought that 3-4 months ago , I could have changed it in that time but I HATE COMING IN and CHANGING THINGS , its not fair on you and me.

    I feel that the companies that make the product should give more better support and some sort of better cover , also ME or SCAN should not be losing money on it. The XXX 7950GX2 was a deloreon (the car that never was and the government lost money on it and not the company).

    Every time I have to come to scan for changing something I feel cheap , the reason is that the product is a rushed product , usually products take about 6 months to mature and teething problems are dealt with but in that time people like Me and Scan have to pay the price. Also I look smaller and smaller coming in to Scan and changing things.

    Scan is a great place to shop and you don't need to hear that from me but that said I feel cheated from the makers for buying unfinished and rushed products.

    I feel you should have a enthusiast account with better promises cos its the enthusiasts that you make more money cos they buy the latest and the profit margins are higher on them products. Also you should make some sort of deal with your suppliers that you shouldn't be losing money because they sold you a rushed product.You shouldn't be losing your respect in front of your customer because of the maker sold you a bad product. You should always stand tall in front of the customer and they should feel that they are in good hands and you are there for them.

    I am SORRY if you feel I have said too much but today I was hurt cos I felt that you also had to lose money for a problem created by not you nor me and because of that you had to do something bad to me by letting me down.

    Anyway thanks for the great service you do provide , usually works flawlessly till things like this occur. Take care and have a nice day
    Last edited by nope; 31-01-2007 at 06:17 PM.

  2. #2
    The King of Vague Steve B's Avatar
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    Such is the way of things nope. With manufacturers driving forward technology, the first out of the blocks is usually the one who wins. If they dont make the product in time, then they miss the window, and miss out on selling half of their stock. Its exactly the same as computer games, although to a slightly lesser extent. I've found EA games becoming more and more profit-driven, than end-user-contentness driven. You just have to look at BF2 and a 250 meg patch released shortly after release day to fix the countless bugs in the software. Gigabyte core 2 boards, weren't actually supplied with a BIOS capable of running half of the overclocking memory on the market, as it wouldn't boot at 1.8v, it was rated at 2.0-2.2v. It's a total and utter nightmare, but thats what you get for living on the edge.

  3. #3
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    £530 for a Graphics card!! Yikes.

  4. #4
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    Most of the things I have in my PC have been either purchased before they were released or the day they were released but that said I have also seen that because of this I have to go and change them.

    I make PC's for other people and I have a managed account for that at scan but I noticed I hardly ever have to change there items cos most of the items are about a year old but my items are very very tedious cos at times they can really play up.

    Also another thing i saw whilst purchasing something is to avoid overclocked items like graphic cards , there is little difference and you pay sometimes as much as 25%.

    The thing that hurts the most is the times you end up in returns and you look smaller and smaller each time. I have 2 8800gtx so you can see from that I am a true enthusiast but the price you pay is too much money and too much trouble. Its a bad addiction and you pay a very high price for it.

  5. #5
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    Just read this and it reminded me of the three months I had the board running on 1gb ram stick.

    I could not be bothered to come and change the board simply because of how small it makes me feel in Return's dept , also it wastes half a day when I have to do that and another half a day for putting the PC together if it was a motherboard you had to replace. Its sad that after paying so much you still have to look like a beggar . Yesterday I had to argue with eminem lookalike that really doesn't look like emeinem from returns and I felt really really sorry for him .The guy does a honest job but situations like this the bad guy wins (supplier)

    He is a great chap and goes that extra mile to help you , a real asset to Scan's team but you can see how much trouble he goes through trying to keep a enthusiast a happy chappy. I feel more should be done on the whole matter.

    Three months a go I lost a P5W64-ws because I was lazy to change it when I received it cos when I got it it was slightly damaged. Anyway at the time I had pre-ordered a cpu and was waiting for the Nforce P5N32-sli board for two months and in the end got frustrated of playing the waiting game and bought the P5W64-ws..

    When I got it the CPU pins were slightly damaged but I said to myself if they work then let it be , forget going to returns and looking like a beggar. I lived to regret this mistake and I saw loads of others on forums where they received a board like I did and they changed it, but because I didn't at the time of receiving the board I lost my board and money.

    After two months the TAGAN 900watt(another bad product because they used some cheap switch's) PSU died and killed the board with it, I took it to scan and they changed the PSU and said that there is nothing they can do about the motherboard. This is why I feel how I feel on the matter.

    The customer loses money and his respect because they purchased some faulty goods. I feel you should at the time help the customer and beat the supplier by getting together as a team but what happen is scan starts telling me we lost this much because of you and the customer says I lost this much because of Scan and the supplier loses nothing.
    Last edited by nope; 01-02-2007 at 09:03 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koolpc View Post
    £530 for a Graphics card!! Yikes.

    Double that sum and it wouldn't have bought the FireGL card in this machine!

  7. #7
    Will work for beer... nichomach's Avatar
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    • nichomach's system
      • Motherboard:
      • Gigabyte GA-870A-UD3
      • CPU:
      • AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 95W
      • Memory:
      • 16GB DR3
      • Storage:
      • 1x250GB Maxtor SATAII, 1x 400GB Hitachi SATAII
      • Graphics card(s):
      • Zotac GTX 1060 3GB
      • PSU:
      • Coolermaster 500W
      • Case:
      • Coolermaster Elite 430
      • Operating System:
      • Windows 10
      • Monitor(s):
      • Dell 20" TFT
      • Internet:
      • Virgin Media Cable
    There's always SOMEONE who has to show off...

  8. #8
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    Well you have Saracen who is retired and you have Nichomach who will work for beer , so there you have it , the card is not possible to be bought one of you two

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by nichomach View Post
    There's always SOMEONE who has to show off...
    Yeah, but unfortunately I know what this FireGL2 card is worth today.

    Still, that's the way of technology and progress, init? Yesterdays expensive marvel is today's mundane, and tomorrow's cheap-as-chips.

  10. #10
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    Part of the package the price and the way it goes down. The price is not the thing that cheeses me off its the support you get after paying such a price cheeses me off.

    I am really fascinated by graphic cards and its because of that I pay what I pay . The truth is I am still going to buy what I do buy but I would also like to know all flaws of the product in front and if the product is discontinued in the next so and so months I would like a letter telling me this why it happened.

    I received my motherboard P5W64-Ws which went to asus and when I rang scan on Monday and talked to Chris I was told that it has been replaced but when I received it today that its the same board.

    Its times like these you feel SCAN is TOO BIG and you feel like just another number. I rang them on Monday cos I received two emails 1 which had a new RMA number and another which was a invoice.

    Anway the two emails had no information of what they were about so I rang Scan and talked to chris and chris told me that it looks from here that Asus have been nice and sent a new replacement.

    It had already been two months to come to this conclusion which even then was very wrong.

    Now today I have this board I still dont know I have it cos Scan is too big and there has been a switch at Scan and they have not sent me the replacement but my old board.

    Also I got a new RMA number so why was that , what happened to my old RMA number which I heard nothing about?

    Just feel ignored and the reason being is not that scan is ignorant but its just too big

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