True, but my gtx 260 use's the same style fan and considering its dba is around 30 on load im pretty sure i wont notice it
also, i cam across alot of reviews which stated its acoustics were pretty good?
Well i will be the judge when it gets here tomoz (and how lucky am i to finsh at 11.30 in the morning) so im going to have some hardcore fun blasting through games
Onto the
FTW edition, i was going to get it but (big but here) it's warranty is crippled down to 2 years, and the fact it churns out some heat compared to others plus its at such a high clock id be worried considering i game at least for an hour a long would it last at such high temps? so i went the safer option which is slightly cheaper and i can OC it if i want that extra what 5%?