Saw a reaonable Pentium 4 offer from Dell a week ago. P4 2.8 with free memory upgade to 512 MB. Now neighbour has been looking for a cheap pc for a while so this seemed to fit the bill. The odered 2 days before the offer was due to be completed. Phoned up and got the hard sell "Oh you can have a better flat monitor for only £100 more and warenty for extra £94. She stuck to her guns I only want the offer advertised in National Press. So order is taken. Later that day Dell phone to arranged delivery for Tuesday 25th. Fine no problem.
Friday last week Dell turn up with pc for them (early omg when does that happen). Saturday I went through to put it all together. First thing I notice sticker on the case. Intel Inside (CELERON) hmmm strange I though must have put wrong sticker on it.
Set it up and powered on. go through the usual setups and get to desktop. Checked system properties and low and behold a Celeron 2.66 is installed and only 256 MB ram.
She has now been on the phone 4 times to CS who pass her to sales who pass he to whoever the feel like (even got the lassie at reception) 3 times they have said they would phone back 3 times she had to contact them. 1 time a so-called sales manager who said its ok we'll send one out and you can keep the old one. So my neighbour was a bit suspiscious about this and asked what exactly they were sending. "A Mouse". Later they offered a free (£15) printer yeah right and last offer has been a full refund 3 times. Shes sticking to he guns and holding out for what she paid for.
Its now in hands of Trading Standards and if they fail a letter to the newspapers will follow.
So be warned Dell are shoddy for the home user.
Excuse some typing my keyboard (non dell ) is knackered and I'm waiting for a swap out at work.