Need help urgently.
Doing a project using ASP, said that I'd use ADO rather than ODBC so that the DSN didn't have to be set by the server admin.
Hand in date nearing and I've just realised that I'm not using ADO.
thought it might just be a case of changing the connection, but now it won't execute my SQL strings (worked fine before with ODBC).
My SQL string:
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM user "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE userName = '" & Replace(Request.Form("userName"), "'", "''") & "' "
strSQL = strSQL & "AND userPassword = '" & Replace(Request.Form("userPassword"), "'", "''") & "';"
This is how it appears if I take all the executable stuff out to see what it's doing:
SELECT * FROM user WHERE userName = 'admin' AND userPassword = 'admin';
The error I get in explorer:
Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error in FROM clause.
/projectsystem/System/ASPs/login.asp, line 58