Read more.The ban in Australia was prompted by an in-game rape scene and acts of extreme violence.
Read more.The ban in Australia was prompted by an in-game rape scene and acts of extreme violence.
Dam... couldn't the dev just pixelate the porn? - oh, wait....
mycarsavw (16-01-2015)
Yep -> real DEV, Creating For Us to have Fun
BTW i dont play HL Miami at all.
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If the scene shown in the video was what prompted concern then the Aussie Classification Board has gone a bit OTT given the blatant context of the "rape".
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Maybe My Little Pony is more suitable for them
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'The Fox is cunning and relentless, and has got his Fibre Optic Broadband'
Given the pixely nature of the game, perhaps that's why the board got confused as to what's happening on screen. I know 8-bit/16-bit is a design art style nowadays but I just see it as a lazy way of producing the graphics, there is nothing stopping the artist from adding in proper detail except that, if they market it as 8-bit or 16-bit they have an excuse for the game being vomit inducing ugly. Hell maybe that's why the board refused classification, it looks like a crappy game made in some kids bedroom - they can't possibly fight back against us mighty government types!
I've never seen this argument put forward before and Hotline Miami 2 is a great example of a game which could have been so much better whilst keeping the same overhead viewpoint\gameplay.
to be fair, it's supposed to be a game and if rape has to be part of the game (not sure why) then just explain it or say it has already happened. Don't blame the aussies to be honest.
To be fair, it looks over the top and gruesome. I don't disagree with the ban
*edit* Sarcasm/Humor doesn't always translate well when written .
Last edited by Medallish; 20-01-2015 at 03:44 PM.
bae85 (20-01-2015)
18+ ratings are all very good on paper, but in practice they don't work. If someone sees an 18+ in a game store and wants it badly enough, they'll find a way.
I know what you're saying. It's a bit tiring seeing people do that. It's like a quick and easy way of making a game, while advertising it as cool and retro. But at the the same time, there are people who genuinely enjoy this style. It doesn't apply to all. It's the same as music, like the music in these games for example. Some of the music comes from the Synthwave scene. Synthwave, if you're not familiar with it, takes a lot of its inspiration from the 80s. People dig that stuff. I happen to make some of my music in that kinda way, too.. And I really enjoyed the first Hotline Miami with its soundtrack. But, I generally prefer modern games! I love the advancements in graphics and physics etc.. I'd pick it over old style games, anyday...
As for the people complaining and thinking everything should be banned - stop it. Don't buy it if it's not for you. Games like this are not meant for kids. It's up to people to parent their kids properly so they don't play these games. They usually have age ratings to stop kids buying them too. I've watched countless films with violence, and played countless games of the same nature over the years. My beliefs, the way I live life, and treat all beings, are very non violent. I would only use violence in a desperate self defense situation. Violence does not make me feel good, to recieve, or give. Though I do enjoy watching MMA fights. But yeh, most of us know the difference between real violence and staged violence, and WILL NOT turn into psychos from playing games like this, or watching films like this! If you don't believe me, then try watching some video game deaths. Go watch some footage of that 'Hatred' game, then go watch some real videos of deaths. See how your brain recognises the difference... If your brain can't tell the difference, then you're that one in a million psycho that shouldn't play these games. But don't try get it banned for the rest of us, because we're adults that can handle it...
Last edited by ZaO; 20-01-2015 at 03:32 PM.
I can't send a PM to Bae85 and that's his/her wish, but it does bug me when simply stating you're opposed to a ban of a video game, in some peoples eyes means you "enjoy rape", and does a huge disservice to those who actually try and teach people just how serious an issue it truly is.
I didn't make light of rape, I didn't at any point suggest that I condone rape. Being so quickly to accuse someone of "enjoying rape" just makes people have a preconceived notion of people talking about rape as these knee-jerk overly sensitive people, instead of being taken seriously.
Sorry for keep posting about this, but I wasn't completely awake during my first reply and felt I had to reply a little better to this childish reply I got..
Bae85 turned out to not be too serious, although I thought I'd let the main message stay as I think it expresses how a lot of people feel when someone accuses them of something very serious.
Last edited by Medallish; 20-01-2015 at 03:50 PM.
bae85 (20-01-2015)
Excellent! It is important to challenge corrupt governments, even if it is only done in small ways.
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