Got an E61 at the moment. It's an OK phone but quite big, slow and a bit old school.
Cant decide between the P1i and the Tytn. Contract is up on Tmobile soon so could go for the Tytn (it's my work phone so my company pays) and either keep it or flog it on ebay and get a P1i instead.
I dont use the keyboard on the E61 as much as I thought I would, which is why I thought a P1i might be a better choice. Main usage is Email, Web, Phone, Calendaring in that order really. Needs to do OTA syncing with Exchange reliably.
Any advice?
Edit: I used to have a Vario II but it drove me nuts. Kept crashing, not answering calls when you press the answer call button (dur!), crashing, generally being rubbish and crashing. I heard that WM6 is a lot better, but is it THAT much better?