For christmas I bought my wife and kids a Xoom. A few days later we received an email. My 5 year old managed to spend £15.97 on a "barrel of smufberries", an in-app purchase in "Smurfs' Village".
At no point did we ever enter our credit card details into the device !
It turns out that Android Market automatically links to your Google Checkout account (which my wife set-up in October to give some money to a charity).
It also turns out that the default setting for Android Market is to NOT require a password or PIN ( I'm used to IOS so I was stunned by this). In fact it's a feature that was only added in September 2011 !
But the best bit is that the Xoom, running Android 3.2, ships with v.1.0.27. A version so old that it neither supports a PIN or the ability to upgrade itself to a version that does.
I was able to manually upgrade with these instructions
I then added a PIN you have to enable non-market installation.
Settings->Applications->Unknown Sources: make sure the check box is checked.
Then downlaod an APK file of the Android Market... I used
Once it has downloaded just install it. For me I used the default Xoom FE browser... downloaded.. then Menu->downloads and double tap the filename once it was marked as complete.
And finally (just to be sure), I removed my card details from Google Checkout.
I'm led to believe that App purchases are cancelled if you delete the app within 24 hours of purchase,
but for in-game purchases there is no trial period and no refunds !