Good point about my views on much of Google's services .... so I don't see me using the Cloud storage options.
As for usage, web browsing from the lounge, bedroom, etc, rather than be tethered to a desktop, or carting a conventional luggable around. Also, email. HEXUS, of course. And probably basic WP. That is, pretty basic uses ... with portability high on the agenda.
I've still got a usable laptop, but the battery life is about 30 seconds, the KB could do with replacing, the memory is only 756MB, and ideally, a DVD burner rather than CD burner. By the time I've sorted that lot, I might as well buy a new laptop. This idea is a kind-of hybrid step, and I can still use that laptop .... from mains .... when I go away.
On the latter, text entry should be enough, and yes, I'd need to get such material into Word at some point, but am not likely to want to go the other way, i.e. Word to TF300. That is, I might generate the text on the Asus, but would do any final formatting, etc, in Word on the desktop. I might write an article on it, but that's about it.
I;m also not likely to use it as much of a media device, and I certainly don't see me watching movies on it. The occasional YouTube clip, maybe, but I won't use it for a full movie. I'd rather wait and watch that on the big TV.
Sorry for the mini-thread-hijack, Fuddam. I was going to ask separately in another thread, but it snuck out in my comment in here.