So I am the owner of a new Samsung S3. As expected, it is a vast improvement over my now retired iPhone 2G. As expected, switching to a new platform comes with a bunch of hassles.
1. I noticed that it's the updates are rolled by carrier ( Why? I have an unlocked phone imported, which is a different version they sell in Japan. Is the JB even different across different countries/operators (localisation and such)? Apple definitely wins when it comes to ease of update. Heck, it's ironic that I ended up downloading an app for my iPod Touch to avoid accidentally updating (as I do not want iOS6) as the update downloaded seconds after I had a Wi-Fi connection.
Moaning aside, what are my options? Jelly Bean is being rolled with the Japanese updated version of the S3 ( but when the article says "other versions", I don't know if it refers to international versions too. I want to update the phone before I start customising/install apps for it, and I want this done before I go on a trip in 10 days.
2. It looks like a bunch of applications requires me to have a Google Account. Is it worth having a separate account for the phone? I am partly concerned with privacy, risk if phone get lost etc.
3. What's the best solution for backing up the phone on the Galaxy / Android system?
4. I haven't played with every apps that comes with the phone (in part because some of the requires a Google account or some sort of registration. How much of the stuff is junk, and is it worth doing a factory reset on a new phone (I was thinking of doing one after the update to JB anyway).
5. Any tips to get the most of my Android/Galaxy experience.