So, my BB Q5 is on its way out, Blackberry have pretty much abandoned BB10 as an OS (not to mention the complete lack of anything doing with Playbook OS, but that's a different rant for a different day), the Priv is massively more expensive than I'm willing to spend on a phone, I love physical qwerty keyboards but there are simply no decent phones with one anymore (Blackberry Classic excepted, but as mentioned above BB10 support is getting progressively worse), and if I'm going to have to change phone then maybe it's worth me also changing contract (currently on 3 sim-only) to get a new phone thrown in.
It's apparently impossible to simply compare tariffs anymore. Back in the day you could just feed in how many minutes/texts/MB you wanted, get suggestions of tariffs, then pick your phone. Now, it seems impossible to view tariffs until you've chosen a phone, and since I'm not keen on any of the phones currently on offer I don't want tariffs based on a phone selection - I want to pick the tariff that's right for me then choose the cheapest phone available on that tariff that won't annoy me.
Well, apparently I'm not allowed to do that ... unless any of you brilliant hexites now of any super secret sites that I'm failing to find where I can tell it what minutes and MB I want per month?