New Nokia 6 from HMD Global is on the way, with Qualcomm’s all new Snapdragon 835 SoC. HMD Global announced the new Nokia 6 a couple of days ago, the first Android smartphone, from Nokia. Well, rumors from China inform that HMD Global is preparing a Snapdragon 835-powered smartphone for MWC 2017.Also, the company has also confirmed to release something new on February 26th, 2017.
HMD Global had a meeting in China, and during the meeting, there was a discussion about the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona which came out on February 27th. HMD Global had a talk about Snapdragon 835 and they suggested that their Snapdragon 835-powered smartphone will be a reality. HMD Global also informed that the device would take some time to prepare and they will release it at a perfect time. Nothing is better than release Snapdragon 835- Powered smartphone for HMD Global, as they are trying to revive the Nokia brand.