I have a couple of hours to decide on a super budget Android tablet (no UK based special offers, something that is just marketed as a budget tablet from the get go).
The only requirements are:
- Must be fully functional Android OS (not necessarily Oreo, just nothing too obsolete)
- 8 inch screen or above. It might be used by people who may not have the best eyesight.
- Wi-Fi (best reception possible, though I guess they shouldn't differ much) and SIM card.
- If it comes with a custom skin, something that is as easy to use as possible is important (might be used by people who aren't very quick with smartphones).
- Needs to be reliable, not known to have any major unsolved issues.
And.. that is pretty much all. It will only really be used for receiving notification for orders and perhaps viewing some orders.
No gaming, no HD videos.
I am leaning towards the Lenovo Tab4, with the Huawei MediaPad Lite M3 as second choice (or whichever can be found for less, but I am up for any quick suggestions).