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Thread: Nokia 7610 RS-MMC to MMC Adaptor

  1. #1

    Nokia 7610 RS-MMC to MMC Adaptor

    Well it was only around 10 months ago since i realised newer nokia phones since my Nokia 6600 i had just recieved didn't come with a usb port (ala N-Gage) so i needed some way of transferring files to and from pc.
    So i invested in a 8 in 1 Card reader and i must say it does a wonderful job, and since then I aqquired an epson printer with built in card readers. So i sold the usb one and just use the printer from now on.

    Anyway to get to the point, my Nokia 7610 arrived today and i am in general quite happy with it since it was only £120 inc postage. Upon opening the box and putting it all together i realise of two problems:
    1.The screen has a patch of what seems 2-4 pixels stuck on green
    2. An RS-MMC will not fit in a normal mmc slot

    So problem 1 i have decided to sort myself with a replacement screen, it may not be as cheap as returning the phone but i decided i should invest in it since I spend my money on little else but psp games and other random junk so saving will give me something to achieve, with a perfect screen reward on the other end.

    Now problem 2 is where you guys come in. I have not the remotest foggiest shadiest of a reagional idea how to transfer files anymore. I have no bluetooth dongle (no, don't suggest one they're bloomin slow!) and am left with a 64mb RS mmc to fill and what appears* to be some sort of rs to mmc adaptor.
    Now, the question i propose to you 7610, 6260 or 6630 owners among us, how in the world did u get the card into the adaptor?

  2. #2
    Bah, i've stuck the mmc into the adaptor the way i thought was right and it worked!
    Problem is upon removing it i only got the adaptor and now a bitesize mmc is still in the card slot Any recommendations for removal tools?

  3. #3
    Junior Senior Member Aaron's Avatar
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    So problem 1 i have decided to sort myself with a replacement screen, it may not be as cheap as returning the phone but i decided i should invest in it since I spend my money on little else but psp games and other random junk so saving will give me something to achieve, with a perfect screen reward on the other end.
    Most Nokia phones come with a 1 year warranty. Take it to a Nokia service centre and they should be able to sort it out for you.

    Now problem 2 is where you guys come in. I have not the remotest foggiest shadiest of a reagional idea how to transfer files anymore. I have no bluetooth dongle (no, don't suggest one they're bloomin slow!) and am left with a 64mb RS mmc to fill and what appears* to be some sort of rs to mmc adaptor.
    When the 7610 was new, it should have come with a USB cable. I assume that the original owner has lost it?

    The adaptor just clips onto the bottom of the RS-MMC card. With the adaptor attached, it has the same dimensions as a regular MMC card and should fit into MMC card readers.

  4. #4
    thing is i have no proof of purchase, such as a receipt etc...
    The firmware installed is dated 22nd May 04 so i believe an update may be available since the newest lifeblog is a bit jerky and moans every so often a phone update is available.
    Anyone got a clue what the latest firmware is available?
    seems like i'll be shelling out for a new screen when i get some dosh together

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